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 To English speakers

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 7821
Age : 35
Localisation : Dans ton dos avec un hamburger et un fusil.
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2008

Personnages RP
Pseudo: Vapor
Pseudo : Smirtnoff/Gregovi
Pseudo : George Abitbol

To English speakers Empty
MessageSujet: To English speakers   To English speakers Icon_minitimeLun 9 Avr - 3:00

Welcome to Ter Aelis!

Ter Aelis is a community of people interested in literature, visual arts and role-playing.
We are no professional network, but we like to meet people and share our love for creativity and arts. We also like to share knowledge and experience, as varied as they may be, and we will welcome you even if you speak a foreign language, for our members come from all over France, from Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and America.

Now the first thing you would want to know, is where do we start?
Introduce yourself at Arrivée des Colons (Arrival of the Settlers). People often introduce themselves as their role-play character, but if you are not attracted to role-playing or don't give a damn about it, don't feel obliged to do so. Simply present yourself in whatever way you'd like. Make up something crazy if you will, we're all weirdos.

If you do enjoy role-playing, then you will find Echoriath to be your homeland.
The Accueil des Rôlistes (Role-players Reception) will provide you with what you need to start role-playing.
Les Zones Publiques (Public Role-playing Areas) where you can visit and start to write immediately and wait for people to respond. Or you can take a look at Les Héros de Ter Aelis (Ter Aelis Heroes), where some of our role-players characters and their backgrounds are exposed. See if you find some of them interesting and would like to create a story with one or several of the players. Contact the persons to share with them your project.

If your thing is more about arts, then Atalanté is your city.
Atalanté is divided into four places:
-A learning place. Le Collège d'Atalanté, where you will find tutorials, classes, a pretty cool Photoshop guide, exercices and a place to share your works in progress.
-A showcasing place. Le Consortium des Arts, where members expose their galeries. You are to expose at least 5 finished pieces in the first post of your thread. Only expose your own work.
-A sharing place, Les Récifs Acérés (The Sharpened Reefs) where people exchange knowledge and discoveries about art: Echange des Récifs and challenge each other in art battles and regular events: Duels et Evénements.
-A commission place. Les Ateliers

If you are fond of litterature, poetry and writings, then Wilwarin is the litterary metropolis. It's also a steampunk flying city, isn't that cool?
You will find there the Bibliothèques de Calliope (The Libraries of Calliope), divided in short stories, long stories, poetry and character backgrounds. Don't be shy about sharing your own texts, even if they are written in English, for members who can read English will appreciate them.
The Belle Académie will help you to improve your writing skills, if you already know the basics.

Then, another place that you don't want to miss is Galvorn, the leisury coast.
This place contains small and amusing games, jokes, ridiculous events all grouped in Le Brigand Grivois.
In Culture et Réfléxions, you will find all sorts of interesting things that our members like to share: musics they liked or composed, movies they saw, comics they read, chronicles they wrote, articles and all kinds of things.
Then, if you registered to the forum, you will see Sous Le Divan D'Aelis (Under Aelis Sofa) and discover who we are. IRL events are organized and shared there, at which you are welcome to show up.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to send a PM.

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